
Date and Time:
Friday, August 29th, 2014, 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Located at Camp:
Pink Lightning
Pink Lightning
Contact Email:


We have no Mud, and who cares about "Tough”…on the playa, it’s the WEAK DUSTY!

The Weak Dusty is an fun endurance event where you’ll run a 2-5 mile course with military-style obstacles though various camps, starting and ending at Pink Lighting (home of BM 50K Ultramarathon, on Wednesday).

Designed by Very Special Forces to test mental as well as physical strength, obstacles play on common fears, such as heights, burners, dubstep, monkey bars, sparkle ponies and jungle gyms.

The Weak Dusty encourages teamwork and partner/group participation. Participants must commit to helping others complete the course, putting teammates before themselves, overcoming fears and occasionally administering booze to those who need more. The event is untimed, and may involve strong alcoholic beverages for additional challenge and fun.

Don't miss your workouts, you lazy and/or overly indulgent Burner! Your body will thank you when you're back next week in default world...